Thursday, November 6, 2008

Still Trust God? Then Live It!

I wrote this note on facebook yesterday. Mostly because I logged on and it appeared as though the "facebook world" (At least my realm of friends) was falling apart over this election. So I thought I would share the note with all of my faithful blog readers. ;)
After the votes were in last night it was clear that America had a new president. Obama. I understand that many of you, if not all of you, did not vote for him. The fact is that he was still the popular vote.
Am I sad that the candidate of my choice did not win? Yes.
Am I afraid that he is going to try and alter what America was founded on and what is our constitution? Yes.
Am I worried about taxes being raised and the fact that a lot of this “Change” is going to affect me in a negative way? Yes.
On the other end…Do I believe that God is still in control and that He can work through any leader? Yes. Do you REALLY believe that?
Here is the thing… Obama is not even in the white house yet. He was elected only last night. I quite honestly am tired of logging on to facebook and seeing every person’s status being something negative towards Obama.
I am disappointed but we still have to press on! We aren’t dying here. America has had bad leaders before. The fact is that we are an emotionally based country. They all got mad at Bush so they thought they would try and vote for some “change”. We will most likely swing around again. People vote their feelings, not their conciseness. It is that sad truth.
We need to stand as the United States of America. We do need to let our voice be heard but who wants to hear a continually negative voice? I know I don’t!
For those of you saying that you are going to move to other countries, please stop! That is ridiculous! Have you ever spent any amount of time in another country? Don’t you realize that despite the current political situation America is still great? Or perhaps you would rather move where communism or socialism is evident and controlling? You seriously think that Canada or Europe is a better option? I dare you to go and try it!
When I log onto facebook I want to see people’s status that are not degrading or depressing. The truth is Obama is going to be our president. The truth also is that God is still God, He is still sovereign and on the throne! So how about we let the knowledge of that be reflected in what we say (or type) and trust Him! We all knew that America was falling. Are you really THAT surprised? Let's do our job now as Christians and share Christ! Do you think that your negative status, saying you want to move to another country, or bashing Obama is really going to help your ministry? I really doubt it!
My prayer is that we will only be a better people because of this election! I have personally talked to some of you and you have told me that you want to learn to trust God more. How about you start now!
Also...Just in case you did not notice, Oklahoma did GREAT last night! You should be really proud to live in this state! (If you don't live here then ignore that comment)
Oh and one more thing… All of that praying that we were doing…You know, it doesn’t have to stop!
PS - I tagged people that I know and talk to. I am not targeting any of you because of something that you said. Although, I hope that you can all agree with this and hopefully is you have been complaining you will stop


Beth said...

I agree. I have had to deal with the same attitude with people I encounter. And, I believe that God is greater still, and will use the Obama presidency for His glory, even though we cannot see it right now. Prov.21:1 is one of my favorite verses. We must continue to pray and ask God to bless our nation, even when elections don't go our way.

John and Becky Henderson said...

Good post. I completely agree. I know when I walked into work Wednesday morning, the attitude of some was all gloom and doom.....and my state voted blue! However, God is the appointer of rulers and kings....He knows exactly what He is doing and hasn't said "oops" yet. Though I'm sure the next few years will probably try my patience politically, God is still God and I can trust Him to use all things for His purpose.

Blessed son of the King said...

Your point is very well made.
The book of II Kings includes many illustrations of God's hand at work for the sake of His people through non-believing kings, including foretold judgement.
And if one reads Daniel, one can see the illustration of God's omnipotence in bringing Nebuchadezzar to honor and glorify God.
Scripture also tells us that the hands of kings (I include presidents) are in God's hands.
Finally, Jesus taught that we are to PRAY for our leaders. I don't recall Him saying we had to like them, but we are to honor them and pray for them.
Blessing in Christ Jesus our Lord.