Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Well… Today will be my first day back at work since Monday afternoon. They had us leave around 1pm on Monday due to the freezing rain and ice. When I left my office to go out to my car the ground was a skating-rink. I got to my car and it was an ice cube. Thank the Lord my dad had come to help me and my friend Hannah as well. When I arrived at my car dad had dropped off Justin who was already starting to scrape my windshield. It took a little while but we finally got it. Since that afternoon I have not been working. I must say that I am really enjoying working for the state because I have been getting paid! :)

Today it is back to work. I am glad actually! I can only take a few days of nothingness before I start to go stir crazy! I do miss Britt though. He is stuck down in Norman and we can’t really get to each other. He has had all classes canceled as well. I am guessing that they will start classes back up tomorrow.

That is the exciting news around here for now. Oh! Did I mention that Saturday is a high of 60! That’s Oklahoma for you! :p

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's the thing about even stops traffic in AK. We will go about business as normal with temps in the -20 to -30 degree range, but when the temps warm up and melt the snow, everything has to stop. Glad to hear you and Britt are both safe and sound throughout the ice storm.