Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Meet the new addition to our family. Chloe!

We got her this past Saturday and we are loving her! She has a great personality and is so fun! Obviously the worst part is potty training but HOPEFULLY she gets it down soon. It is too hot to stand outside hoping she will go! lol

Potty Training or not you just can't deny a sweet face like that! :)


Is it just me or does it seem WAY too hot WAY too soon here this year? I mean, it is only June and it already feels like that "it is so hot I can't breath weather". I was not prepared for this.


Not a lot to say right now. My life is potty training Chloe and work. :) Hope you all had a great Fathers Day weekend though and are having a great week so far!

1 comment:

HR said...

She's adorable!!!