Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mind distractions

Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. Life has been a little crazy to say the least......

People keep asking me how I am doing with the whole situation regarding dad. Most of the time I say, "Ok" although I really don't have a real answer. I guess if depends on the day. Any day I could be: happy, sad, confused, angry or even a little of everything. Most days I honestly don't even know how I am.

I was telling a friend about these feelings and how hard it is. The thing is that I trust God and I know that He is in-control but that does not mean I understand Him. In my head right now this does NOT make sense. Why is my dad laying on a hospital bed unconscious for 1 1/2 weeks now? I don't know if I will ever fully understand that. All I know is that right now, it sucks. I also know that I have to continue trusting and leaning on God because it is my only hope.

So - right now I pray for dad, mom and everyone else. I pray God gives us the grace and strength we need on a daily basis. I often (basically every night) go to the hospital and wait, hoping to hear good news and then cry on my way home. Today I have just tried to distract my mind from all of this. To think about things other then hospitals, tubes, comas, surgeries, etc... So, today I started to think of things that I am looking forward to. Things like:

* Going to the Arts Festival for a little while with my hubby tonight. We need some time together!

* Going to hear Hillsong United this Friday night.

* Going out with good friends this weekend.

* Church on Sunday

* The Jefferson Carnival

* Being Home

* Using our White Water Bay Season Passes!

* Laying out by our pool and getting tan

* Going to Dallas for our one year anniversary.

Sometimes it just helps to think about things like this. But I can't help but think that the thing I am looking forward to the most is talking to my dad and feeling like he is going to be ok, that he will be his normal self again. Please keep praying for my dad. It is what he needs the most.

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